Raspberry Pi Controlling RGB LED Strip Lights (12v) (Updated)
2020-05-16 21:00:19
This is an updated and condensed version of the video I did in 2018 where I show you how to control a 4-wire 12 volt RGB LED strip with the Raspberry Pi.
BasementMaker Raspberry Pi Configurator script: https://github.com/basementmaker/raspberrypi-configurator
The script will automatically update your Raspberry Pi and configure it with the software required to work on this project.
How to use:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/basementmaker/raspberrypi-configurator/master/pi-config.sh chmod +x pi-config.sh ./pi-config.sh
You can also use the shorter url:
wget https://basementmaker.net/pi-config.sh chmod +x pi-config.sh ./pi-config.sh
Run the script, select: 1 -> Standard Setups and then select: 1 -> PiGPIO
If you prefer to install PiGPIO manually, here are those commands:
sudo apt install -y build-essential python-setuptools python3-setuptools wget https://github.com/joan2937/pigpio/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip && cd pigpio-master && make && sudo make install
Commands: sudo pigpiod pigs p 17 255 pigs p 22 255 pigs p 24 255